So far at least 25 newspapers and websites have reported on this today.
I've collected the links here
276 victems registred now in q1 2018, abused by jw's in the netherlands.. state secretary says branche has to speak with victem group official.. g..
So far at least 25 newspapers and websites have reported on this today.
I've collected the links here
276 victems registred now in q1 2018, abused by jw's in the netherlands.. state secretary says branche has to speak with victem group official.. g..
Thanks for sharing G.
Additional sources report on this as well:
in your message, you wanted to know what the "certificate ofdestruction" used by the watchtower records department looks like.
(as soon as atlantis gets a copy i'll send it to you.
)please view this leaked video and go to 33 minutes of the video.
The data management policy in itself is nothing out of the ordinary....for a law firm or a company afraid of litigation.
The Borg really is run like a multinational company. It's all about the money, nothing about spirituality or worship.
this may be a plot point in a novel i'm working on.
will a judicial committee take testimony from a df'd or da person?
i could see them wanting to get dirt from any possible source, on the other hand i can picture somebody saying "he's df'd everything he says will be a lie.
The testimony of unbelievers and disfellowshipped or disassociated ones may also be considered, but it must be weighed carefully.
That's a direct quote from the elders manual.
In other words, testimony can be used but of course the elders will be more likely to think they're lying.
By the way if you want to get your terms correct, the part with the testimonies is not the judicial committee. Before a JC is initiated, the (two) elders will go on a fact finding mission to see if any sins have been committed that warrant a JC. They will talk to witnesses to the sin (including possible unbelievers).
During the JC there is not much fact finding to do other than quizzing the accused to see if they are repentant.
Only in very rare cases (according to the elders book) it may appear during the JC that a JC isn't needed after all.
Example: while his wife is out of town, a bro is seen walking around town with a beautiful blonde woman. They are seen walking with arms locked together, hugging, during a dinner for two, going into the house of the bro together in the evening, and spending the night there.
Three different JW rat on the bro to the elders. It's clear as day that something sinny is going on here, so the bro is 'invited' for a chat at the Kh. When he gets there, he is ambushed by a 3 person panel of JC judges (who never clearly explain that fact nor the procedure they're following).
They explain charges of immorality and infidelity to him and want to proceed with the JC.
The bro laughs, produces a family picture and points out his beautiful blonde sister who lives abroad and is visiting him for a few days. Yeah, end of JC.
here's a link to a common form that publishers are required to fill in if they want to participate in city cart witnessing:.!amcrvjcxi6m6agpvwzog5pxfxja.
note on the reverse of the form comments that elders write, and a box to rate your "spirituality"!
you should be allowed to see what they write about you.
Yes but then the elders might be pressed to be too positive about you? :-D
Regardless, GDPR says you can simply request to get a copy of all data an organisation keeps about you. That includes the backside of that form...
2017--2018 watchtower data/global information/technology handbook.just in case this wasn't posted many documents are coming in that i had to put all of this into onepdf file.
if i posted them separately i would clutter up the board.!.
That first document you posted is quite a leak. Not that it contains anything JW specific, but now everyone knows the brand and type of firewalls JW use, and some of the software they have installed on their PC and servers. Information that benefits hackers. If my company would leak such a document I'd be very unhappy!
i couldn't figure out where to put this, so...... after seeing the sell off the properties in england, kingdom hall grabs etc.
i thought of the jw's that would passively go along with it.
what will happen when they realize all of their donations, wills, loaning of money and property has simply been part of a scam?.
Well....we can expect the JW to realize en masse that it's all a scam at the same time that the Catholics all realize they have been scammed.
Don't hold your breath on it. We've been waiting for that about 2000 years.
And some more millennia we've been waiting for people to realize all religion is a scam.
hi all.
just speaking to a sister about the royal commission.. she said they they have now changed their guidelines so that they now report all to the police.. really?
does anyone know if this is true?.
No, they have not.
Their policies has always been to never report, unless it's required by law.
In some cases they have tried to get out of the obligation to report by claiming clerical privilege.
So wherever JW claim 'we are now reporting' they actually mean to say 'we do the bare minimum as required by law' and 'the law on reporting child abuse has changed in this region'.
But wherever the law doesn't require it, they're still not reporting..
if i go to the jw website and then afterward to say this website, is it likely that the jw website has then tracked what websites i go to after visiting theirs?.
i don't know how cookies work btw .
@Onager, @Tenacious,
To be technical: websites that (appear) to know what you looked at or searched for earlier, are collaborating.
When you search on Google/Amazon/whatever, this website stores information on that and/or share it with advertising companies.
Then when you visit some other site, the advertising company displays ads they think are relevant for you.
Not the key word here: collaboration.
Without collaborating, all a website can know is what you do on their website(s). They can't see what you did or do on other websites.
The only thing they can see is where you came from if you arrived by clicking a link (not if you type in the address yourself).
Now do you think JW are of the collaborating kind....?
the flemish parliament has opened an inquiry into the child abuse policies and cover ups of jehovah's witnesses.
the investigation is collecting complaints, not to make their stories public but to start an official investigation into the child abuse policies of jehovah's witness groups.
if you are a victim or have any stories regarding children of jehovah's witnesses in belgium having been or being abused or pedophiles being protected by the organization, send your stories to [email protected] - they will treat these stories confidentially and with utmost care, so even if you're still "in", you could send them a note..
Any official source that supports this report? Like a government website or reputable newspaper?